Quality and Regulatory
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Well-equipped Quality control laboratory
Separate areas for wet analysis, HPLC, GC, control samples, stability chambers, balance room, hot room, and microbiological analysis
Calibrated as per calibration calendar and maintained by AMC
Analysis of RM, PM, Intermediates. Finished Products and Stability samples
Monitoring of water system, clean rooms, and products as applicable
Preparation, review and approval of SOPs, protocols, and reports
Leading process validation, cleaning validation and analytical method transfers & process technology
The quality system is defined as per Schedule M, Schedule L, ICH Q7 and TRS guidelines
Issuance, retrieval, archival and control of documents
Release / Rejection of Raw materials and finished products
Qualification of vendors and contract laboratories
Training and development of the staff
Trend analysis and annual product quality review
Investigating batch failures, deviations, and complaints. Ensuring GMP compliance of the facility